Welcome to the official website of Quebeck Baptist Church in Quebeck , TN. Here you can find information about our church, upcoming events, sermons, and so much more. We are an Independent, King James Bible-believing congregation, seeking to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ, for His glory and honour, both at home and abroad. We are "Big" on family, old-fashioned preaching, hymns, missions, youth, home-schooling, and conservative, Biblical principles. We are an active congregation, which seeks to minister to all age groups, to help them become the saints which the LORD intended for them to be. We cannot completely define ourselves, nor our congregation in a website, so if you have questions, feel free to contact us, or visit our services. Thank you for visiting our website. Our hope is that you find the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and find the congregation where the LORD wants you to serve.

Pastor David Bratcher
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Morning Service 11:00am
Evening Service 2:00 pm
Wednesday Night 6:30pm
9655 McMinnville Highway Quebeck, TN 38579
Ministries of Our Church
Missions Conference
An annual meeting for the purpose of promoting evangelism and missions. Missionaries will be invited who will share their burden with us. The preaching from a guest speaker(s), will be geared towards helping us to become mission minded. We are able to get to know these missionaries by fellowship, and time spent with them during the meeting. QBC's Mission Program is financed with Faith Promise giving. Faith Promise is based on 2 Corinthians 8 & 9.
Missions Program
QBC supports over 50 missionaries, evangelists, and mission works (orphanages, church plants, etc.), both in the U.S., and around the world. We also conduct annual trips to collate Bibles at a printing facility, pack Bibles at a shipping facility, and plan an annual mission trip to a needed place to involve youth and adults in ministry.
A summer Vacation Bible School (usually early June). Our daytime VBS for school age children will educate them in spiritual matters, Biblical knowledge, and usually concludes with a field trip corresponding to the lesson material. Crafts, games, food, and other activities are also included.
Monthly Youth Service
Our monthly youth service (2nd Sunday of each month), is for the purpose of involving our youth more in worship. Sunday School classes participate during the morning worship service with songs, skits, and other presentations. In the PM service, those who take music lessons are invited to play specials, while other youth may sing or give testimonies. Often, a visiting preacher is invited to be a part of youth service, which is usually one of the highlights of every month at QBC.
Quiz Quest
Quebeck Quiz Quest is an annual event designed to promote Bible knowledge in our youth. It is a two day event, scheduled annually for the weekend before Thanksgiving. November 18-19, 2022, was the 20th annual QQQ. Friday afternoon/evening activities include Bible based scavenger hunt at 4pm. Supper at 5pm. Written Bible test for all ages at 6pm, and a service at 7pm. Saturday's activities are as follows: Breakfast begins at 7am; Future Preacher, Teacher, Missionary Test at 8am; Church quizzing begins at 9am. Churches from various locations have participated with their teams through the years. A morning service begins at 11am, followed by lunch. The church Bible quizzing tournament continues until all winners are determined in the afternoon.
Quebeck Christian Education
Based on Deuteronomy 6:6-9, and other passages, we believe that the best education which Christian parents can give their children is Home-Schooling. While not everyone is able to do so, QBC has endeavored to promote homeschooling by becoming a state-licensed, category IV umbrella school. Our church families, and missionaries which we support, have the option to register with us to fulfil their legal obligations to the state of TN.
Home School Co-op
Our homeschool co-op is designed each semester to meet the needs of those who participate. We have met weekly, we have also met monthly. Classes are offered to not only assist the parents with the education of their children, but to encourage the students socially, spiritually, and academically. Periodic field trips are also a part of our co-op.
Family Camp
To those from our congregation who are able to attend, Family Camp is usually the highlight of our church year. It is an annual week long meeting normally conducted at Camp Overton. Daily activities, services, and lessons are all aimed at promoting Biblical Families. Past activities have included manners lessons, athletic games, soap box car race, home made boat race, church services, marriage enrichment games and class, and much more. All activities promote the Biblical roles of father as husband and provider, and mother as wife and a keeper at home.
Nursing Home Service
Monthly nursing home services at local nursing homes, while designed to encourage the residents there by conducting visits and a church service, usually benefit those who visit just as well. As we consider others, we recognize how blessed we are with our own health and personal liberty.
Mens Prayer Meeting
While private prayer is an invaluable asset, our weekly men's prayer meeting is just that: a meeting to pray. No preaching, no announcements, just a short devotion, prayer requests, and prayer. A much-needed ministry for all.
Marriage Enrichment
Our monthly marriage enrichment class, while hopefully helping all marriages, is not designed for troubled marriages, but to keep marriages from getting into trouble. Strong marriages yield strong families, which contributes to a strong church. Normally conducted on the third Thursday night of each month, as the church calendar allows. It begins at 7pm. Childcare provided upon request.
Van shuttle
We are committed to helping those who need a ride, find a way to church. While some of our attendees carpool, if that is not an option, we have van services available to help out when possible.